Welcome to changeroom

Welcome to changeroom

changeroom. a.k.a. locker room, changing rooms, or just "the sheds".

It's a place where you take a short break from the heat of battle. Where you step back from the emotions and pressures and expectations that can cloud your thinking. To re-centre, re-focus, get calm and clear.

It's a place where you get help. Where your teammates and coaches help you see:

  • How have you been playing?
  • How do you want to play?
  • How can you close the gap between those two things?

It's a place you go in order to leave. You don't stay in the changeroom. Because real life happens on the court or the field, in the boardrooms and bedrooms, in the relationships and the responsibilities, in the conflicts and the deadlines, as you navigate the stuff of everyday life.  

It's a place that helps you face up to the challenges and grab hold of the opportunities with a purpose and a plan. So that you grow up. So that you show up more and more often as the person you want to be.

It's a place that helps you change.

I've always been fascinated by human behaviour. What drives it. What shapes it. How can we change it. As a market researcher. As a pastor. As a friend and as a son. As a husband and as a dad. As someone whose life has been shaped by those around me. And as someone who wants to keep growing. This has been one of the great passions of my life. I long to understand human behaviour not simply for the sake of understanding. But because I long to change. Because I long to be calmer and more thoughtful. Wiser and more loving. A more curious, a more compassionate and a more confident person.

And so I invite you to grow with me. I am 100% sure that this kind of work happens better together. The goal in any changeroom is to grow as a team. And so I hope you find these blogs helpful. I'll share some things I've been thinking about. And I'm hoping you might share your thinking with me.

The first series in this blog is based on Ted Lasso Season 3. It's not because I love Ted Lasso. Actually it is. But it's also because Ted Lasso happens to illustrate some of the things I've been learning about human behaviour. Over the last two years I've been studying a certificate in Bowen Family Systems Theory. I think it is one of the most powerful frameworks for understanding why people do the things they do.  So my plan is to start off blogging about Ted Lasso through the lens of Bowen theory. But don't worry if you don't love Ted Lasso. I have a heap of other blog series in the pipeline too.  


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You'll also be helping form a community of people who want to grow and change so we can show up more and more in everyday life as the people we aspire to be.  

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